Monday, January 3, 2011

Diabetes Symptoms: Find Out at Early Stage

Written by Narawin JK   

If, there is history of diabetes attacks in your family, then your chances of getting diabetes increases more as diabetes is considered as a genetic condition and hence you should be extra careful about your health. Learn to identify the early symptoms of diabetes and as soon as you recognize them go instantly to your doctor. Instantaneous recognition of symptoms could assist your doctor in diagnosing your condition in a much better way and recommending the proper treatment for you and early detection may prevent the disease from becoming a full blown condition.
The diabetes symptoms are oftentimes harmless and normal but still, frequent urination, irritability, extreme hunger and thirst, and sudden weight loss can be some of the various early symptoms that you may notice. Apart these, some of the other symptoms include skin infections, sleepiness and yeast infection. If you often find yourself falling asleep while watching television or sit down to study, you may be experiencing one of the symptoms.    
Though, there are two main types of diabetes that you may get, they are: type1 and type 2 diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes symptoms could develop speedily, more often in days or weeks and if the blood glucose level suddenly gets high, you may suffer a hyperglycemic attack; this can take place if you have not taken proper amount of insulin. The symptoms of hyperglycemic attack can be sleepiness, drowsiness, dehydration, and frequent urination and if it is left untreated it may further lead to diabetic ketoacidosis which sooner or later could cause oblivion and sometimes even death.
The reason for diabetic ketoacidosis takes place when the body starts break down fats for energy instead of glucose, further building up ketone acids in the blood.
Whereas, if the bloods glucose level suddenly gets low you may suffer from a hypoglycaemic attack and this can happen if you have insulin in excess. The symptoms of this attack can be, feeling tetchy and shaky, blurry vision, dry mouth, leg pain which to a certain extent can be brought under control by drinking or eating anything sugary, raisins, sugar cubes or some kind of fizzy drink.   
Type 2 diabetes symptoms usually develop over weeks and months; it may also be possible that you may find few symptoms or even no symptoms. Nevertheless, it still need to get treated so that other related health problems do not takes place like kidney disease and some more. 
Hence, there are various early signs and symptoms that enable us to know that we are close to mounting full blow diabetes and ignoring these symptoms can be somewhat costly- both in terms of wealth as well as health. Ignoring these symptoms you are most likely to invite some really serious health problems, and the treatment could take a long time. Therefore, it will be feasible to assess your diabetes in the pre-diabetic stage only.  
Yet, there are some home precautions that can be taken to prevent can diabetes to some extent, some of them are:
·         Eating meals at regular intervals, late eating and over eating should be avoided
·         Doing proper exercise will improve circulation and as result will lower down the level of blood sugar.
·         Stop eating greasy food, eggs, meat, cheese, excess vegetable oil, rancid seeds and nuts as well as too much of sugar.
      ·         Intake of fresh fruits and vegetables should be increased as they are rich in carbohydrates, fibers which reduces the insulin


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