Monday, January 3, 2011

5 Cold and Flu Season Prevention Tips

As the cold and flu season approaches, it becomes increasingly important to be health conscious. There’s nothing worse than catching an annoying cold or being stuck in bed all day with the flu. One option is to get your flu shot each year, but for those who choose not to — myself included — taking a proven, all-natural approach is the most effective way to go. It basically all comes down to following a few healthy habits and eating right. Although you’ve probably heard about many of these cold and flu prevention tips, it never hurts to reiterate them to help refresh your memory.

1. Wash your hands often
You’ve heard this one a thousand times, but that’s because it’s one of the most effective ways to prevent getting a cold or flu bug. After all, your hands are one of the most bacteria filled parts of your body.

2. Drink plenty of water
Water can actually help fight off the bacteria in your body, and often times you can fight off an on-coming cold by drinking an increased amount of water. Really, any fluids work well for this purpose with the exception of alcohol (aahhh, man!).

3. Eat healthier
An all-natural fix for seemingly every ailment, eating healthier provides your immune system with the vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants it needs to ward off the cold and flu bug. The old saying is true, “you are what you eat,” so make healthier food choices — at least this time of year.

4. Daily multivitamin
Let’s be honest, it’s not always easy to meet all of your body’s nutritional needs, so a daily multivitamin can help. Although it can’t replace the quality of the vitamins you get from eating fruits and veggies, it can help to fill in the gaps. In fact, the Harvard School of Public Health calls daily multivitamins good “insurance policies” for helping you meet your recommended daily amount of vitamins.

5. Stay home if you get stick!
One of the biggest pet-peeves in the workplace, or at school for kids, is somebody showing up sick. Just because you may have come down with a cold or the flu doesn’t mean you have to infect everyone else. If you are sick, take a day off to rest and drink plenty of fluids. You’ll be doing yourself and everyone around you a favor.
Hope these simple tips help you out this cold and flu season. If you have any good tips of your own, please share in the “comments” section below. Thanks!


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